The EU continues to negotiate with other major timber producing countries to enforce licensing, regulate trade and comply with all FLEGT agreements . Climate change is a reality to be analyzed and prevented before it can worsen the situation. As responsible human beings with our environment, it is necessary to see the consequences of the indiscriminate use of natural resources. To awaken a little environmental awareness.
Some of them are: Extreme temperatures . Not only affecting human beings, but also many ecosystems on the planet. A clear example can be seen in migratory birds, since Whatsapp Mobile Number List some have modified their route due to the change in temperature in the ecosystem to which they were accustomed. In the coldest parts of the planet, the polar caps are shrinking.
Than a hundred glaciers have disappeared in Montana's Glacier National Park. And in the Arctic Ocean each year the ice cover is less and it is believed that it will disappear completely during the summer months. The melting causes the level of the oceans to rise. It is estimated that it increases by 3 mm each year and, since the 20th century, this figure has doubled. It is a threat to many areas of the Earth.